Monday, December 20, 2010

KL Self-Outing...

Wazz up blogger... I'm currently at Kuala Lumpur.. Yesterday, lepak kt downtown.. Alone.. Sumpah boring.. Today, went to MARA HQ, meeting with Director of BPP department.. Talking about my scholarship, the answer still "sorry" for my foundation programme.. They cannot proceed my application form coz it's already exceed the due date. For me, it's okey at least I got the conformation rather than keeping in the dark.. Thanks buddy for "Nasi Ayam"... Mmg sedap.. Then I went to Plaza Low Yat.. Damn it, I saw bluetooth headphone bersepah just after I bought it somewhere else.. Last time, when I search at plaza low yat, satu pn xde.. Skali dh bli ade bersepah lak.. Accidently, I went to Times Square.. Xplan pn nk g... Xde bnde pn.. Saje ske2.. Hmm.. Congrats.. I spend wisely, budget under control.. Nk shopping pn xtwu nk bli ape... That's all, outz..

*pic at kl will be upload soon.. cable camera left at kedah..


  1. Dayana, can i hve your phone number ? :) kalau tkley tkpe la eh.

  2. hye.. i'm soo sory 4 the phone number.. i susa nk layan msg or call from stranger.. if only i know who u r, then i will..

  3. oh okay. as long i dpt contact u cmni. :)
